About Us

Not just a species of bat!

Our Mission

Challenge reality, transform spaces, and inspire people around the world with products that bring dreams to life.

Flying Fox Family Toys is based in Melbourne, Australia, and ships all over the world. Operated by Outsider Interactive Pty Ltd, Flying Fox is taking off to change the world.

Flying Fox Family Toys was established with the belief that nobody has to be satisfied with the limitations of the “real” world. We believe in the power of imagination to empower and inspire, and help us imagine a reality that’s overflowing with magic and wonder.

This is why at Flying Fox, our plush companions are more than just sacks of stuffing stitched with immaculate quality and attention to detail – they’re members of the family. You’ll believe that each one has a soul, a place where they belong, and the capacity to love when loved in turn.

No matter your age, they’re designed to transform physical spaces – your home, your bedroom, your workplace office – to remind you that play is all around you, and magic can be found wherever anyone is brave enough to look for it.

So if you can believe in a world where anything is possible;

If you can believe in the transformative power of imagination;

And if you can believe in yourself despite a cynical world;

Join us on our mission to make reality a more beautiful place.